(25-11-2019) De Nekker, Mechelen (B)

Building Officially Opened.
Today, our project De Waterduivel in Mechelen (B) is officially opened. This dual-purpose building is specifically designed for the regional fire department of Mechelen and the City of Mechelen's municipal (technical) services. Both programme elements have very specific requirements but will nevertheless occupy shared facilities.
The result is a generous and robust composition of uniformously designed building blocks, concrete structures wrapped in a tin sheet of steel. The latter is somewhat elemental in character - it refers to the 'banal' nature of semi-industrial programme - but is combined with an exceptionally refined and detailed finishing.
The building is a nearly zero-energy building and has been created with significant attention to prefabrication, low maintenance and potential dismantling.
We would like to thank the City of Mechelen, Tractebel Engie, D+A, Van Roey, Democo, Willemen and AG Real Estate for successfully cooperating in the design and realization of this large and complex infrastructure.