We are very happy to announce that our team consisting of HUB architecten, Office WINHOV, Bureau Bouwtechniek, Ney & Partners, Ingenium, Atelier Horizon and FPC has won the competition for a new heritage depot in Antwerp.
Our design proposal sees the depot as a monumental treasure chest, an ode to preservation, to the acquisition of knowledge, and to the long now. Despite its robust character - a brick sculpture in the new 'Pomppark Zuid' - the building commits to public interaction: the arrangement of the volumes creates a public square that forms the link between the district, the park and the collection. On the ground floor, a succession of rooms provides a public enfilade.
By being located in the new 'Pomppark Zuid', the Antwerp Collection Center will create added value for its users, for park visitors and local residents. The building will be an integral part of the landscape and the experience of the park.