(16-03-2020) Measures COVID-19

Dear commissioner and partner,
At HUB our first concern is to protect our commissioners, our partners, our team, and our families and friends, and maximally restrict the diffusion of the coronavirus. We are following the latest developments very closely, making sure we take all the necessary measures.
As of now, this means almost all our team members are working from home, while on-site meetings are restricted to an absolute minimum.
However, there is a positive side: We are still here for you.
Our design processes are 100% available. All our team members are connected to each other, to you, and to our shared data.
Meetings are organized through a multitude of digital platforms. We choose these platforms based on an assessment of what is needed for the specific meeting. If necessary, we will guide you through the process of setting up / logging into the meeting.
Although human contact is a necessity in any good design process, we feel distant working is absolutely necessary given the circumstances. We will manage.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you, we wish you to be safe and healthy,
Best, HUB.